
Friday, May 14, 2010

Writing on 2 Hours of Sleep

I am laying in bed coughing my lungs out and draining liquid through my nose and something inside me told me that I needed to share this with you. I don't know if it's a good idea.

We'll see by the end of this post.

Like I said, I woke up miserable this morning (after two hours of sleep). I still had to drop something off at the office and hurry back to get my kids off to school. The wife took one, and I took the other (they start at different times).

The smallest one has been sick as well, but she was much better now and today she was to go back to school. She decided to pretend to be surprised (since I told her last night she was going).

I have been reading up on some parent effectiveness training so I held back my first impulse to condition her access to toys with good behavior. Instead I started trying to glean information from her. Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to argue with a conspiracy theorist than to get my kids to actually tell me something concrete.

She just pouted and humphed. I then told her that today I would be home when she got back from school and that I would love to play with her. She just got a big make-up kit so I think I know what's in store for me later today.

I also told her that I could now give playing horse a try. I have been through a series of physical setbacks (all minor things). When we got back from vacation I hurt my back while sitting at my desk. The pain kept me from playing horse with the kiddies. Yes, I am a bit stubborn so I did not get it looked at. Every day it just kept getting better and better at very small increments until one day it didn't hurt anymore.

A couple of weeks ago I tripped while running and cut up my knee pretty good. That also kept me from wanting to kneel.

Just last night I was watching TV with them (the wife went out so it was just us three) and a commercial for some pain reliever came on. The guy was complaining about back pain and my kids in unison said "Papá, we should get you that!".

So obviously, my main motivation is to start playing with the kids again. It sucks getting old.

Meanwhile, I wait for the doctor who I just called and I was informed he would be arriving within 2 hours.

Yeah, I love doctor house calls.

This is one of the things I do not miss from the USA. Every time I have gone back someone in our family has needed medical care for one reason or another and it's a pain in the ass in the States. I really hate waiting.

He came and went and asked me several times if I had a fever at all. They are all attentive to the H1N1 flu virus. Thankfully, I did not have a fever,  although I have had most of the other symptoms.

I thought it would be a good time to remember why this was so important especially considering how people have relegated this to a conspiracy, or two. (if you can stomach 8 minutes of Rushbaugh you can click here to see his take on it.

For clarity's sake, I can't stand him.

Unlike Rushbaugh, he advised me to get the shot after I got well. If you want to read up on it yourself....

It's almost time for the little monkeys to come home. I leave you and if I happen to look particularly pretty after the make-over I will consider taking pictures.

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